AUC Virtual Meeting, November 2019
The members of the AUC who participated either as partners in the Archon Update Project or expressed strong interest in the continuing work of the AUC met virtually on November 21, 2019. We present these notes for the benefit of all Archon users. Archon Users Collaborative Leaders Virtual Meeting November 21, 2019 Present: Anne Salsich, Ken Grossi, Michael McFarlin (Oberlin College); Tom Steman (St. Cloud U.); Nat Wilson (Carleton College); Cliff Hight (Kansas State U.); Scott Schwartz (U. of Illinois); Sasha Griffin (Denison U.); Matt Gorzalski (Southern Illinois U. Carbondale). Observing from Oberlin: Crystal Willer and Riza Miklowski. Anne Salsich, Oberlin (AS) - Opened the meeting. Invited round-robin updates, starting with those who have made changes to Archon, have adopted new finding aid delivery systems, or are developing a new product. Matt Gorzalski, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (MG) - Considered AtoM but would have needed more expertise for migrat...